Thursday, 3 February 2011

Confirmed Hypotheses

Hyp. - 1 - There's no Authentizotic climate in prison system
According to general results (Control and Pilot), the average stood at 3,33, slightly below the midpoint. However, there are some dimensions with even lower values, which show us a negative perception of climate. I am talking about «Camaraderie Sense» and «Credibility and Trust in Hierarchy».

Hyp. - 2 - Pilot units are generally authentizotics than Control units
The climate tend to be authentizotic in Pilot units but below of a truly positive perception (3,48, when the midpoint is 3,50). But this situation is not enough to deny the hypothesis. There are anyway two facilities above midpoint, Beja, 3,64, and Castelo Branco, 3,65.

Hyp. - 3 – There is stress in prison system
It was said before, it is quite obvious there is stress in the prison system. The worst result came from wardens (Corpo da Guarda or Guardas), the best from Re-educadors (Técnicos Superiores) that nearly indicated «absense» of stress.

Hyp. - 4 - Stress is higher in Control units than in Pilot ones
It is confirmed too. Control units staff had higher stress levels, 3,20, while Pilot 3,40. Both average values are below midpoint, 3,50. However, there's an exception when we look at the values by professional category. Re-educators (Técnicos Superiores) had positive values in both type of units, 4,12 in Control and 3,98 in Pilot, which means too the only category feeling less comfortable in Pilot. The opposite happens to the remaining categories.
Something quite different happened to Clerks (Técnicos Administrativos). They had negative perception in Control units, below midpoint, but in Pilot the reality is not the same: 3,97 shows us there is an acceptable stress level, above midpoint.

Hyp. - 8 - Female employees are more open to a changing process than male ones
It is confirmed. Changing positive perception from female employees, 3,98 (above midpoint) against 3,29 from male ones (below midpoint) what suggests some discomfort.