Thursday, 3 February 2011

Hi, welcome to my blog 4master

Here may find the content of my master’s degree work «Authentizotic Organizations and Organizational Effectiveness». On the right side bar of Portuguese page 4master is available some general and essential information about the content, links, videologs, etc. Hope you can find what you need.

Basically, the construction of this blog had five purposes:
1 – Force myself to publish the content and also compel me to summarize all the steps.
2 – Reveal this work, done inside Portuguese prison systems.
3 – Eventually, let current work be known by Professors whose investigations were the basis of it. I am talking about Professors Kets de Vries, Sandy Staples, Albert Bandura, Kevin Wright, Marco Ramos, Terance D. Miethe and Hong Lu. I have spent many many hours making web research and reading their texts and books.
4 – Eventually, encouraging and helping colleagues who, like me, have projects in areas as Organizational Climate, Self-Efficacy or Stress.
5 – Finally, publicly thank to whom also turned possible all this process. I would highlight three people:
The Professor Luís Martins, my advisor that most motivated me; the Professor Francisco Nunes, who has the great responsibility for my decision of keep going for a master degree; and the dra. Paula Vicente, the head of all PGISP project and that opened me all doors in prisons in order to finish the current work. A huge thank for all three.